Authentic Reflexology

Data Protection Policy

Caroline Cunningham (acting as Authentic Path Coach, Authentic Reflexology, Author & Artist) recognises that your privacy is important and is committed to respecting your privacy. The information you submit will be kept confidential and will be protected using the highest standards of security and used in accordance with the latest European General Data Protection Regulations (G.D.P.R.).

Type of Data Collected & Stored Securely:

Personal Identity & Contact details:

We may store your name, email address, postal address and phone number) via any or all of the following processes:
  • contact form on our website
  • newsletter sign-ups or on our website
  • as a result of direct contact by the client seeking our services and products
  • as a result of provision of contact details during an event
  • as a result of online assessments and surveys that clients agree to

Health Records:

When you choose Authentic Reflexology therapy service and/or Authentic Path coaching services, we collect your health details on our consultation forms prior to treatment. This is in accordance with best practice codes such as set out by the Irish Reflexologists’ Institute Ltd. the professional body of which Caroline Cunningham is a member.

Photographic Images:

We may use photographs of you on our website or marketing material if you have provided us with us with the images voluntarily with consent to use them for this purpose or if you were photographed while being present at one of our public events. We may share your image if you have voluntarily added it to a public platform to review our services or products or if you choose to comment on our blogs.

Banking Details:

We do not have access to your banking details via our payment system (Stripe) and therefore they cannot be stored by us. If for any reason you cannot access our payment system, you have the option to complete transactions by PayPal or bank transfer. If you provide your banking details as a supplier (by invoice) we may hold your records as per our accounting requirements. Where your details are no longer relevant they are destroyed.

We Store your Data for the Following Purposes:

Personal information provided by you will only be used for the following purposes appropriate to the services or products you have obtained from Caroline Cunningham:

  • Caller identity verification
  • Contact to schedule appointments or responding to your queries
  • Delivery of services such as coaching and reflexology
  • Delivering products such as art work and books
  • Billing (Invoicing and receipts)
  • Marketing purposes where you have opted in
  • Advertising purposes so that we may understand our client’s needs and extend our products and services to more people.
  • Research purposes so that we may improve our products and services for the benefit of future clients.

Where Data is Stored:

Personal identity and contact details are stored on Caroline Cunningham’s electronic devices. All devices are protected with passwords only known to Caroline Cunningham.

Health records provided for our coaching and reflexology services are recorded via electronic forms and stored in encrypted files in Google Drive in password protected folders and accessed via password protected devices.

Data regarding reflexology treatments sometimes needs to be recorded on paper which is kept secure (between treatments) at Caroline’s home in a file which is accessed by key. Caroline Cunningham is the key holder and is responsible for keeping the key secure at all times. Paper records are transferred to the electronic storage system when treatments have ceased. Paper records are destroyed by shredding when no longer in use.

When you opt-in to our email newsletters your data is stored securely in our mailing system. You have the option to unsubscribe at any time by clicking the unsubscribe button at the bottom of each newsletter.

Who has access to your records and why:

Caroline Cunningham is the only person who will have access to client health records as recorded on reflexology and coaching consultation forms unless you give permission for the purposes of securing the knowledge or services of additional therapists on your behalf.

With regards to data that is not health related, your records may need to be accessed by trusted professionals e.g. accountants/IT professionals for the purposes of fulfilling our business duties and operations.

Caroline Cunningham requests all these third parties to have in place their own G.D.P.R. policies, fully up to date as per European standards. Similarly, any staff employed by Caroline Cunningham will be bound to the standards of this document and the latest data regulations.

We may also be required under law to surrender records to a legal authority. We will inform you of any such request unless it is forbidden by law.

Please understand, it is not possible to treat you or to deliver the services and products you request, if we cannot hold any records on you at all.

How long is data retained?

All health and accountancy records must be retained for a period of 6 years. However, all records will be destroyed at any time if you request it in writing by email to the data controller.

Contact details that are no longer relevant to the business of Caroline Cunningham will be reviewed and destroyed after one year.

Your rights:

  • You can request to see all our records on you at any time. 
  • If you think some information is incorrect, or not needed for the purposes outlined above, you may request that we amend it or destroy it.
  • You can request us to destroy all records that we hold on you. 
  • Please allow up to 14 days for us to comply.

Data Controller:

Caroline Cunningham (Data Controller) may be contacted for all matters relating to your personal records. All requests for destruction, receipt or amendment of records should be made by email to [email protected]

At every step we endeavour to protect your data. To facilitate your request you will need to verify your identity and contact details along with the types of services or products you purchased from us and the dates of your purchases.

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