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40 Case Studies

16th October 2016

Before I became a qualified reflexology therapist, I was a fan. It was my treatment of choice for specific purposes. In a metaphorical sense, our feet are instrumental in moving us forward, I was committed to moving forward in a healthier way.

During my training as a therapist, I was thrilled to discover, that as soon as I began to apply reflexology therapy myself, I began to witness immediate benefits for my clients.

I was fortunate to have had a great variety of clients for my 40 case studies which were a requirement of my diploma qualification. I was presented with a wide range of feet of all ages , shapes,

colours, textures and sizes. Each pair told their own unique story. As time went on I began to notice patterns and traits that corresponded with the individual themselves.

The results were noticeable and varied. Relaxation was the benefit most reported by my 10 clients. In fact one person told me it was the first time that they ever managed to feel so relaxed.

As relaxation provides optimum conditions for the body to heal itself and carry out all its functions with ease and efficiency, I considered this to be a very important benefit for my clients. Along with the invitation to relax, another client reported that the opportunity to do 'nothing' for one whole hour was rare. At the end of the course of treatments, this client had made a life decision which would improve his career opportunities.

"Reflexology provides many benefits for wellbeing. These benefits cannot be guaranteed or predicted at the outset but with the client and the therapist working together there are usually good results."

I noted in my case studies that many clients enhanced their treatment by implementing some of the suggestions recommended to them as part of the agreed treatment plan. These ranged from taking in some extra walking, fresh air, water and self-treating the reflexes on the hands.

Perhaps as a result of their resolve, some of the results were quite impressive, such as, the absence of sciatica pain (for as long as 2 months after treatment), improved breathing for a client who had high blood pressure, and a client who started a walking routine and then decided that jogging was more fun.

My overall conclusion of my 40 case studies? Reflexology provides many benefits for wellbeing. These benefits cannot be guaranteed or predicted at the outset but with the client and the therapist working together there are usually good results.

A person's body and mind has a wonderful ability to heal and maintain wellbeing but peoples lives are often busy and stressful. Sometimes a change in the routine is needed, a slowing down to allow for mindful listening and the development of a more self-caring attitude in order to get back on track and achieve balance once more.

Reflexology is an effective holistic treatment, performed mainly on the feet but also on the hands/ears/face. It takes into account the whole person in their environment to provide an opportunity for positive change.

The therapist applies specific and varied pressure to areas of the feet (or hands) known as reflexes, which correspond to specific organs or systems of the body. In doing so, circulatory systems (blood, lymph) are stimulated, along with the nervous, excretory and endocrine systems. The whole person (mind and body) can benefit as a result.

While reflexology is  a highly respected complementary therapy and some doctors may even recommend it to their patients, it is not a replacement for medical diagnosis and treatment.

Caroline Cunningham

I love reflexology, it has served me well in my path of transformation to becoming much healthier and happier. I specialise in helping clients who want to succeed with their personal and business goals. I do this by providing reflexology therapy and personalised support and strategies for managing stress and achieving balance. My therapy services are available in Carlow and Dublin and nearby counties in Ireland. Through my blogs I hope more people will be inspired to take steps to improve their wellbeing. Read more about my educational background and expertise here.


See what people say about our company.
  • Calming & Super Knowledgeable

    My reflexology treatment was very relaxing and calming. Caroline’s observations encouraged me to make small changes in my day to day living. Caroline is very friendly and super knowledgeable. I highly recommend her wellbeing services.

    Katie Dunne, Tullow, Co. Carlow

    Incredibly Relaxing Home Treatment Cancer Care

    I found Caroline’s reflexology treatments incredibly relaxing and I really looked forward to her visits while undergoing chemotherapy. Caroline has a lovely friendly personality and the option of home visits was fantastic.

    Claire, Dublin

            Motivation & Focus        

    The reflexology treatment was wonderful! It was just what I needed. I started running again which I always enjoy but I had lost my motivation for a very long time. So, the next day knowing I had two hours free I just started jogging all along the west-peer and surroundings. Felt great and focused afterwards.

    Maria Muffat, Dublin

  • Energised & Fewer Headaches

    I have been feeling really good since my reflexology treatment, more energised and motivated. My tummy seems to have settled and I have fewer headaches.

    S. Lynch, Dublin

    Helpful physically & emotionally

    The reflexology treatments were helpful both physically and emotionally. Caroline is an experienced therapist with a friendly attitude and good advice, I highly recommend her as a therapist.

    Hazel, Dublin

                Feeling at Ease            

    Caroline is very approachable and knowledgeable. I found the reflexology good for overall health and feeling at ease within myself. I felt more focused, energised and motivated as a result of a course of treatments.

    Melanie, Dublin

  •           Stress-free Zone           

    Caroline is an excellent therapist with extraordinary skills. The healing element is vital but she manages to put her clients in a total stress free zone. I adored the chimes as the music played by some therapists can be so very distracting. Caroline has healing hands and I felt excellent afterwards

    Colette Coughlan, Dublin

                Walking on Air            

    Thank you so much for reflexology! Before treatment I was tired and my feet hurt from walking around. Afterward, I felt so much more energetic, I felt like I was walking on air and the swelling had gone down in my broken arm.


    The next day, I had a 10 hour flight. I was anticipating a lot of discomfort with my arm. To my delight, I was nearly pain free throughout my travels. Reflexology really works!

    I highly recommend Caroline for Reflexology. She is gentle, but she works miracles!

    Anna is the Author of Amazon Best Seller “Black Belt Selling: Closing with confidence

    Anna Scheller U.S.A

    Tummies settled & sleeping better

    I brought my two little boys to Caroline and she was fantastic with them and with me. Caroline showed me how to do some home treatment with my boys and it has helped a lot as they sleep better and their tummies have settled.

    A. O’Shea, Carlow

  • Calming & Super Knowledgeable

    My reflexology treatment was very relaxing and calming. Caroline’s observations encouraged me to make small changes in my day to day living. Caroline is very friendly and super knowledgeable. I highly recommend her wellbeing services.

    Katie Dunne, Tullow, Co. Carlow

  • Incredibly Relaxing Home Treatment Cancer Care

    I found Caroline’s reflexology treatments incredibly relaxing and I really looked forward to her visits while undergoing chemotherapy. Caroline has a lovely friendly personality and the option of home visits was fantastic.

    Claire, Dublin

  • Motivation & Focus

    The reflexology treatment was wonderful! It was just what I needed. I started running again which I always enjoy but I had lost my motivation for a very long time. So, the next day knowing I had two hours free I just started jogging all along the west-peer and surroundings. Felt great and focused afterwards.

    Maria Muffat, Dublin

  • Energised & Fewer Headaches

    I have been feeling really good since my reflexology treatment, more energised and motivated. My tummy seems to have settled and I have fewer headaches.

    S. Lynch, Dublin

  • Helpful physically & emotionally

    The reflexology treatments were helpful both physically and emotionally. Caroline is an experienced therapist with a friendly attitude and good advice, I highly recommend her as a therapist.

    Hazel, Dublin

  • Feeling at Ease

    Caroline is very approachable and knowledgeable. I found the reflexology good for overall health and feeling at ease within myself. I felt more focused, energised and motivated as a result of a course of treatments.

    Melanie, Dublin

  • Stress-free Zone

    Caroline is an excellent therapist with extraordinary skills. The healing element is vital but she manages to put her clients in a total stress free zone. I adored the chimes as the music played by some therapists can be so very distracting. Caroline has healing hands and I felt excellent afterwards

    Colette Coughlan, Dublin

  • Walking on Air

    Thank you so much for reflexology! Before treatment I was tired and my feet hurt from walking around. Afterward, I felt so much more energetic, I felt like I was walking on air and the swelling had gone down in my broken arm.


    The next day, I had a 10 hour flight. I was anticipating a lot of discomfort with my arm. To my delight, I was nearly pain free throughout my travels. Reflexology really works!
    I highly recommend Caroline for Reflexology. She is gentle, but she works miracles!
    Anna is the Author of Amazon Best Seller “Black Belt Selling: Closing with confidence

    Anna Scheller U.S.A

  • Tummies settled & sleeping better

    I brought my two little boys to Caroline and she was fantastic with them and with me. Caroline showed me how to do some home treatment with my boys and it has helped a lot as they sleep better and their tummies have settled.

    A. O’Shea, Carlow

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