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How I Changed my Life through Authentic Path Personalised Wellness Programme

8th September 2020

In challenging times, people are at more risk of sliding into danger zones that result in brain fog, crippling anxiety, depression, lost sense of purpose and even burn out.

This is one woman’s story of how she succeeded despite many obstacles. The COVID-19 lockdown had forced her into solitary isolation in the countryside a few months after her husband and best friend died. She had put her career on hold to take care of him throughout his debilitating illness which he bravely endured. Sarah Jane found it difficult to get back on track after so much sudden change which felt more like a nightmare.

Contact Caroline for Personalised Wellbeing Coaching

Coaching had always been part of my therapy service, ensuring added value for my clients. In-person therapy work was not possible during lockdowns so I proposed a six week (online) wellness coaching programme to Sarah-Jane and she agreed to give it a go. Through my coaching skills I empower clients in creating effective self-care strategies to make a difference in their lives. This is an account of how we worked together to make this happen and Sarah Jane has kindly allowed me to share her experience after completing the personalised programme.

"Coaching has always been part of my therapy service, ensuring added value for my clients."

Our first session was by WhatsApp video call, with me sitting in my car to get some privacy and space. By our next session we were both using Zoom and I had found some headphones. At first it was hard for Sarah Jane to see any signs of progress despite her best intentions and efforts. Luckily for her, I had the benefit of seeing the bigger picture and was able to guide her towards feeling that she could tackle anything, including anxiety, brain fog and grief.

After six sessions, weekly progress reports and two months later, we were still in lockdown but circumstances had improved considerably. Sarah Jane had reclaimed her mental focus, lots of calm and a zest for life.

"I had the benefit of seeing the bigger picture and was able to guide her towards feeling that she could tackle anything, including anxiety, brain fog and grief."

Authentic Path Coach & Wellbeing Sherpa

The corner-stone of our work together was that Sarah Jane learned how to curb her anxiety, with the added assistance of my book ‘Seven C’s to Calm – Reclaiming your Anxiety-free Self’. I offered gentle encouragement & suggestions and within a few weeks Sarah Jane had devised a self-care routine suited completely to her own needs and she even found a way to manage her time effectively.

She achieved many of her goals, such as participating in on-line courses for both business skills and personal interest. She engaged in on-line networking events and sought support from her local enterprise office for developing her business. She took up gardening and experimented with cooking.

"When Sarah Jane chatted with her friends through video-call, they noticed a significant change in her mood and appearance. Sarah Jane was feeling a lot more in charge of her life, all this within two months and still living through lockdown."

Authentic Path Coach & Wellbeing Sherpa

I was thrilled for her success and it was exciting to discover that I could use video call technology to help clients to turn their lives around, through focusing on their selfcare.

Seven C's to Calm - Available on Amazon

Find out what Sarah Jane has to say about Authentic Path Wellness Coaching


Coach Caroline: How beneficial has the personalised coaching programme been for you?

Sarah Jane: Extremely beneficial. I was really struggling and stuck in a rut. I had no idea how to get myself out of it. The coaching sessions came at just the right time for me, when I needed it the most.

Coach Caroline: What have been the most significant benefits for you of taking part in these sessions?

Sarah Jane: I'd say having the opportuntiy to 'talk-it-out' and having someone to listen to me, who can 'get' what is going on with me and helping me to put in place a step by step self-care routine. Also, I am more aware of the signs of anxiety and stress and am able to do things that reduce their effects. these would be the biggest benefits.

Coach Caroline: How has your life improved as a result of taking part in our coaching sessions:

Sarah Jane: I now have much better quality of life, having introduced regular yoga and mediation and other self-care routines and I feel so much better for it. My anxiety and stress levels are radically reduced. I also have steps I can follow if at any time I feel anxious.

Coach Caroline: In your opinion, who can benefit the most from Authentic Path Sessions?

Sarah Jane: Anyone and everyone. My circumstance was that I was suffering from anxiety and stress following my husband’s death. I was going through a complete life transition and needed help to see a way forward. I think these sessions are perfect for someone who is looking for a change of job or career or starting a new business or for someone who is caring for a loved one during their illness. These are times when we need to take care of ourselves most and probably need some extra support.

Coach Caroline: In our weekly sessions we touched on areas such as empowerment, restoration of calm, professional identity and life purpose, positive mindset, acknowledgement of achievements and we discussed the process of grief. Is there anything else you would add to this list of what was addressed in our sessions?

Sarah Jane: Building confidence and self-esteem

Coach Caroline: What rating would you give for the level of support you received in each of these areas we addressed in our Authentic Path Wellness sessions (Rating of 1 to 5 with 5 being the highest level of support).

Sarah Jane: Definitely a 5

Coach Caroline: Did you feel weekly sessions were the right level of spacing for checking in with you and to allow for progress to take place?

Sarah Jane: For me a block of 6 weekly sessions was about right. The time allotted to the session allowed me to talk about how I felt, recall what I did or didn’t do and to learn a new technique and during the week I was able to practice the new techniques and make some changes to my routine. Since completing the six week programme a few months ago I have continued to use all the tools I learnt on the course.

Coach Caroline: How would you rate the following aspects of my coaching skills based on our sessions and rating of one to five, five being the score that indicates the best impression made:

  • Listening Skills - Did you feel heard?
  • Empathy Level - Did you feel understood?
  • Matching your needs with useful strategies.
  • Helping you to identify meaningful goals.
  • Setting appropriate actions (homework)

Sarah Jane: 5 for all areas

Coach Caroline: What matters most to you when choosing me as a wellness coach, would it be my experience as a holistic therapist, or my authentic path story of ‘walking the talk’, my extensive qualifications or the fact I’m author with creative achievements who’s been in the media? Why would choose me above others offering a similar service?

Sarah Jane: Having read your book ‘Seven C’s to Calm’ I knew, that you would know a lot about what I had being going through. Your website also highlights your authenticity and qualifications and shows your professionalism and enthusiasm for helping others with their wellness.

Coach Caroline: Do you feel the title Authentic Path Session is appropriate for the service provided?

Sarah Jane: I like the title, it sounds unique and creative and is reflective of  being true to yourself on your own path.

Coach Caroline: At the heart of our sessions we dealt with anxiety and how to move beyond this limiting condition. Do you feel there is a still a stigma around discussing our mental health?

Sarah Jane: I noticed that whenever I chatted to people about anxiety before the lockdown, I was met with silence. I felt I was the only one and that it wasn’t a “real” condition. Since COVID-19 pandemic where life has changed so drastically, I’ve discovered that all my friends have suffered from it and we are now able to openly talk about it, in other words it has become more acceptable to talk about it.

Coach Caroline: Is there anything else you would like to add about our work together?

Sarah Jane: Fabulous course Caroline, really valued the time you spent with me and I enjoyed the sessions very much

This feedback has been kindly given by Sarah Jane whose name has been changed to respect her request to maintain her privacy.

Are You Ready to Transform your Life?

Do you want to achieve your goals and to successfully manage your life no matter what challenges come your way? Whether you're impacted by low energy, unable to focus or feeling anxious or stressed, I help you find ways to move beyond these obstacles and create a plan with strategies that suit your particular situation. All this can be achieved in my personalised wellness coaching programme as described by Sarah Jane.

If you’re not ready to invest in personalised coaching you can get started with my Focus for Success 6 Week Programme, an online course complete with workbooks, strategies and assessment tools.

Choose Your Path to Wellness & Success

Caroline Cunningham

Transforming your life is possible at any age, my own journey is a testimony to that. I believe authenticity and wellness are intrinsic to success in all areas of life. It takes courage and passion and they are within you, waiting to for the spark to set them alive. When you read my posts I hope you will get sense of my capacity to help you to succeed with your dreams and goals. Check out my books, online courses and personal wellness programmes designed to guide you towards the most powerful authentic version of yourself. Learn more about my journey here.


See what people say about our company.
  • I Discovered My Passion

    I was stressed with a lot going on in my life. I needed to find space to clear my mind. Caroline helped me to relax. Then, by asking me a few relevant questions I got an ‘aha moment’. I left with an idea for starting a new business doing something I really care about. I discovered my passion and left feeling energised.

    M. Ryan, Canada

  • More Aware of Signs of Stress & Anxiety

    The biggest benefit of the coaching programme was having someone to listen to me, who ‘gets’ what’s going on with me. Caroline helped me to put in place a step by step self-care routine. Also, I’m more aware of the signs of anxiety and stress now and am able to do things that reduce their effects.

    Sarah-Jane, Carlow, Ireland

  • Authentic Path Inspiration

    I recommend Caroline Cunningham to anyone seeking the path of authenticity, whatever way that manifests itself. I’ve heard nothing but exceptional reviews of her reflexology therapy, as a seeker of the light myself, I find Caroline very inspiring.

    Rachel Nolan, Yogiberry, Carlow

  • So Inspiring

    Caroline's passion and creativity in everything she does is so inspiring. Her enthusiasm will certainly guide you to success.Caroline's passion and creativity in everything she does is so inspiring. Her enthusiasm will certainly guide you to success.

    Kerry Manning Author

  • A Fresh New Perspective

    Caroline's Seven C’s to Calm offers a fresh, new perspective on how we view our anxiety with a workbook to help track, monitor and record your progress. A simple and effective approach in helping you in reclaiming your anxiety-free self!

    Krystal Long, Mental Health & Wellness Facilitator, Ireland

  • Invites Peace & Tranquility

    Caroline poems are soothing and inspiring. Her words have the power to captivate and charm the soul. Connecting with Nature is a very effective way to reduce symptoms of stress, because it slows down the mind and helps the body to relax. Reading poetry is an instant way of inviting peace and tranquillity into your life. Caroline combines both in ‘The Whisperings of Nature’.

    Gloria Mc Breen, We Are Holistic, Ireland

  • Opening Up to Life’s Wider Possibilities

    I recommend Caroline for her creativity and ability to open one up to wider possibilities in life.

    Mairin O’Rourke, Co. Wicklow

  • Importance of Time for Self Care

    Caroline’s four week well-being workshop opened my eyes and made me realise the importance of having time for myself. I cannot help anyone else if I cannot help myself.

    Mag, Co. Carlow

  • Learning to Relax & Listen

    I really enjoyed the workshops and would like to continue. I learned how to relax more and to listen better and I made new friends. I highly recommend Caroline as a facilitator.

    Katrena Blake, Hacketstown, Carlow

  • I Discovered My Passion

    I was stressed with a lot going on in my life. I needed to find space to clear my mind. Caroline helped me to relax. Then, by asking me a few relevant questions I got an ‘aha moment’. I left with an idea for starting a new business doing something I really care about. I discovered my passion and left feeling energised.

    M. Ryan, Canada

    More Aware of Signs of Stress & Anxiety

    The biggest benefit of the coaching programme was having someone to listen to me, who ‘gets’ what’s going on with me. Caroline helped me to put in place a step by step self-care routine. Also, I’m more aware of the signs of anxiety and stress now and am able to do things that reduce their effects.

    Sarah-Jane, Carlow, Ireland

    Authentic Path Inspiration

    I recommend Caroline Cunningham to anyone seeking the path of authenticity, whatever way that manifests itself. I’ve heard nothing but exceptional reviews of her reflexology therapy, as a seeker of the light myself, I find Caroline very inspiring.

    Rachel Nolan, Yogiberry, Carlow

  • So Inspiring

    Caroline's passion and creativity in everything she does is so inspiring. Her enthusiasm will certainly guide you to success.

    Kerry Manning Author

    A Fresh New Perspective

    Caroline's Seven C’s to Calm offers a fresh, new perspective on how we view our anxiety with a workbook to help track, monitor and record your progress. A simple and effective approach in helping you in reclaiming your anxiety-free self!

    Krystal Long, Mental Health & Wellness Facilitator, Ireland

    Invites Peace & Tranquility

    Caroline poems are soothing and inspiring. Her words have the power to captivate and charm the soul. Connecting with Nature is a very effective way to reduce symptoms of stress, because it slows down the mind and helps the body to relax. Reading poetry is an instant way of inviting peace and tranquillity into your life. Caroline combines both in ‘The Whisperings of Nature’.

    Gloria Mc Breen,
    We Are Holistic, Ireland

  • Excellent Mentor - Feeling Boosted

    Caroline is gifted and is clearly an excellent mentor & I will work more with her in the future. Caroline boosted me to get onto the right track very quickly, without me even realising. This means Caroline was very able to make me understand what I needed to do. (Focus for Success Programme).

    Alison MacColl, Reflexology Therapist

    Importance of Time for Self Care

    Caroline’s four week well-being workshop opened my eyes and made me realise the importance of having time for myself. I cannot help anyone else if I cannot help myself.

    Mag, Co. Carlow

    Learning to Relax & Listen

    I really enjoyed the workshops and would like to continue. I learned how to relax more and to listen better and I made new friends. I highly recommend Caroline as a facilitator.

    Katrena Blake, Hacketstown, Carlow

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