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This is Anxiety - Seek Support Today

23rd October 2017

The Limiting Impact of Anxiety

The business network event was soon to start as Karen entered the busy conference room. I heard her say hello to some people behind me. She politely excused herself as she passed through the row of seats and sat next to me. She was dressed smartly in her business attire, having come from work. She sat with a straight posture and gazed ahead towards the platform in front of us.

"I know networking is an important part of business but I just feel so tense from start to finish. I end up telling myself it’s not worth it."

Karen – Senior Business Consultant

As we awaited the announcement of the invited guest speaker, I introduced myself and enquired about her business and her expectations for the evening. Karen, a senior consultant in the corporate world, seemed initially reserved and a little tense in her response.

Being a holistic therapist, I often sense when a person is feeling uneasy and do my best to bring comfort by being friendly. She asked me about my therapy work and wondered what kind of issues it was particularly suited to. I listed a number of health benefits and added that I also help people with anxiety.

It was at that moment Karen leaned a little closer and almost whispering, she confided that she was in fact feeling quite anxious. I could sense her dismay that this was her demise. ‘I usually avoid these events’ she explained. ‘I know networking is an important part of business but I just feel so tense from start to finish. I end up telling myself it’s not worth it’.  I assured Karen that she is not alone feeling this way as many people suffer in silence with their anxiety, afraid that others will find out.

You’re Not the Only One

I encouraged her to seek a way to deal with it more effectively, instead of feeling ashamed. ‘It is quite possible,’ I added, ‘that the person sitting on the other side from you is also feeling the same way’. She smiled a little and just then her face softened and with it too, her eyes revealed a kindness. She spoke briefly about personal loss and changing life circumstances, it seemed she had a lot to deal with at this time.

Soon the guest speaker was announced and we listened attentively to the insights and pieces of wisdom being offered by this well-travelled lady. As the event concluded, Karen and I spoke more excitedly about the interesting points of the guest speaker’s talk.

"Underneath this disguise she was struggling to hold everything together to appear strong. The energy it took to do this robbed her of joy and cloaked her true authentic nature which was of warmth and kindness."

Anxiety Hides Your Authentic Self

On the way home, there was so much to think about. The guest speaker had done many daring things and fulfilled many of her dreams. I thought too of Karen and how she had been so arrested by her anxiety when we spoke initially. I thought of the transformation in her persona when she admitted her anguish and relaxed a little. At first she had seemed distant and cool but also confident and elegant, yet underneath this disguise she was struggling to hold everything together to appear strong. The energy it took to do this robbed her of joy and cloaked her true authentic nature which was of warmth and kindness.

"We should not consider acceptable that which robs us of joy and ease."

Caroline Cunningham (Author of Seven C’s to Calm)

Anxiety Affects Everyone, Men & Women

I remembered also, a man who had attended my therapy practice for reflexology. His wife sent him, as part of their fertility treatment plan. He was a friendly quite out-going person, working as an expert in the financial sector. It was during the second treatment that he confided that most of the time he felt really anxious. He didn’t know why or when he had started feeling this way but he just never seemed to be completely at ease. He was at a loss to know how to gain control of his discomfort.

Anxiety is a silent torment for many people. You might not notice this because they become so adept at disguising what’s really going on beneath the surface.

In addition, some people assign themselves to a more restricted way of living, avoiding anything that might aggravate their symptoms.

Changing our World One by One

We have entered an age of personal development like never before. Internet and social media have provided the perfect platform for sharing story’s and knowledge. More and more events and groups are convening to support those who suffer all manner of mental unease and it is now time for anxiety to have its turn at being revealed, unravelled and put to rest.

My own life was impacted by anxiety and panic attacks in the past. I learned how to successfully develop calm, self-awareness and improved coping mechanisms. I love my life now. I write books to share the useful strategies that helped me. A book is a tiny investment for the seeds of your freedom.

‘Seven C’s to Calm – Reclaiming your anxiety-free self’ provides encouragement and support to help you to bring ease to your life. It’s available on Amazon and via my on-line shop. Are you ready to move towards freedom?

Caroline Cunningham

Transforming your life is possible at any age, my own journey is a testimony to that. I believe authenticity and wellness are intrinsic to success in all areas of life. It takes courage and passion and they are within you, waiting to for the spark to set them alive. When you read my posts I hope you will get sense of my capacity to help you to succeed with your dreams and goals. Check out my books, online courses and personal wellness programmes designed to guide you towards the most powerful authentic version of yourself. Learn more about my journey here.


See what people say about our company.
  • I Discovered My Passion

    I was stressed with a lot going on in my life. I needed to find space to clear my mind. Caroline helped me to relax. Then, by asking me a few relevant questions I got an ‘aha moment’. I left with an idea for starting a new business doing something I really care about. I discovered my passion and left feeling energised.

    M. Ryan, Canada

  • More Aware of Signs of Stress & Anxiety

    The biggest benefit of the coaching programme was having someone to listen to me, who ‘gets’ what’s going on with me. Caroline helped me to put in place a step by step self-care routine. Also, I’m more aware of the signs of anxiety and stress now and am able to do things that reduce their effects.

    Sarah-Jane, Carlow, Ireland

  • Authentic Path Inspiration

    I recommend Caroline Cunningham to anyone seeking the path of authenticity, whatever way that manifests itself. I’ve heard nothing but exceptional reviews of her reflexology therapy, as a seeker of the light myself, I find Caroline very inspiring.

    Rachel Nolan, Yogiberry, Carlow

  • So Inspiring

    Caroline's passion and creativity in everything she does is so inspiring. Her enthusiasm will certainly guide you to success.Caroline's passion and creativity in everything she does is so inspiring. Her enthusiasm will certainly guide you to success.

    Kerry Manning Author

  • A Fresh New Perspective

    Caroline's Seven C’s to Calm offers a fresh, new perspective on how we view our anxiety with a workbook to help track, monitor and record your progress. A simple and effective approach in helping you in reclaiming your anxiety-free self!

    Krystal Long, Mental Health & Wellness Facilitator, Ireland

  • Invites Peace & Tranquility

    Caroline poems are soothing and inspiring. Her words have the power to captivate and charm the soul. Connecting with Nature is a very effective way to reduce symptoms of stress, because it slows down the mind and helps the body to relax. Reading poetry is an instant way of inviting peace and tranquillity into your life. Caroline combines both in ‘The Whisperings of Nature’.

    Gloria Mc Breen, We Are Holistic, Ireland

  • Opening Up to Life’s Wider Possibilities

    I recommend Caroline for her creativity and ability to open one up to wider possibilities in life.

    Mairin O’Rourke, Co. Wicklow

  • Importance of Time for Self Care

    Caroline’s four week well-being workshop opened my eyes and made me realise the importance of having time for myself. I cannot help anyone else if I cannot help myself.

    Mag, Co. Carlow

  • Learning to Relax & Listen

    I really enjoyed the workshops and would like to continue. I learned how to relax more and to listen better and I made new friends. I highly recommend Caroline as a facilitator.

    Katrena Blake, Hacketstown, Carlow

  • I Discovered My Passion

    I was stressed with a lot going on in my life. I needed to find space to clear my mind. Caroline helped me to relax. Then, by asking me a few relevant questions I got an ‘aha moment’. I left with an idea for starting a new business doing something I really care about. I discovered my passion and left feeling energised.

    M. Ryan, Canada

    More Aware of Signs of Stress & Anxiety

    The biggest benefit of the coaching programme was having someone to listen to me, who ‘gets’ what’s going on with me. Caroline helped me to put in place a step by step self-care routine. Also, I’m more aware of the signs of anxiety and stress now and am able to do things that reduce their effects.

    Sarah-Jane, Carlow, Ireland

    Authentic Path Inspiration

    I recommend Caroline Cunningham to anyone seeking the path of authenticity, whatever way that manifests itself. I’ve heard nothing but exceptional reviews of her reflexology therapy, as a seeker of the light myself, I find Caroline very inspiring.

    Rachel Nolan, Yogiberry, Carlow

  • So Inspiring

    Caroline's passion and creativity in everything she does is so inspiring. Her enthusiasm will certainly guide you to success.

    Kerry Manning Author

    A Fresh New Perspective

    Caroline's Seven C’s to Calm offers a fresh, new perspective on how we view our anxiety with a workbook to help track, monitor and record your progress. A simple and effective approach in helping you in reclaiming your anxiety-free self!

    Krystal Long, Mental Health & Wellness Facilitator, Ireland

    Invites Peace & Tranquility

    Caroline poems are soothing and inspiring. Her words have the power to captivate and charm the soul. Connecting with Nature is a very effective way to reduce symptoms of stress, because it slows down the mind and helps the body to relax. Reading poetry is an instant way of inviting peace and tranquillity into your life. Caroline combines both in ‘The Whisperings of Nature’.

    Gloria Mc Breen,
    We Are Holistic, Ireland

  • Excellent Mentor - Feeling Boosted

    Caroline is gifted and is clearly an excellent mentor & I will work more with her in the future. Caroline boosted me to get onto the right track very quickly, without me even realising. This means Caroline was very able to make me understand what I needed to do. (Focus for Success Programme).

    Alison MacColl, Reflexology Therapist

    Importance of Time for Self Care

    Caroline’s four week well-being workshop opened my eyes and made me realise the importance of having time for myself. I cannot help anyone else if I cannot help myself.

    Mag, Co. Carlow

    Learning to Relax & Listen

    I really enjoyed the workshops and would like to continue. I learned how to relax more and to listen better and I made new friends. I highly recommend Caroline as a facilitator.

    Katrena Blake, Hacketstown, Carlow

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