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Indian Heart-Way

My Indian Heart Way collection was birthed into reality after a profound life changing trip through the north of India, crossing the country by river-boat, train, public bus, auto-taxi, camel and jeep. These are treasured memories you behold. The original paintings in this collection have since been purchased except for one. I had retained Golden […]

The Leap of Faith

When a tree taps you on the shoulder to request a favour, would you pretend not to hear or would you take action? That was the dilemma that tormented me for months before I took the leap of faith to create The Sacred Lives of Trees. Their request was this, to provide the opportunity and […]

The Sacred Lives Of Trees

Created in the Spirit of Gratitude Trees are constantly moving in unison with the wind, the minerals of the soil, the light of the sun and the earth's water. They clench the soil and reach into the heavens while witnessing every moment of Earth's revolution. They provide shelter and homes. They may blossom and wither, […]

She Swam With Turtles and I Gained a Super Hero

Brenda shares her secret to successful living " Every morning I exhale the past and I inhale the future." Brenda Bergin, Preneurs Global Digi-Gran has had an interesting past, travel was in her bones from an early age. Having a best-friend in school who was Spanish, drew her to Spain, a country which she has […]

Pure Thinking Portraits

In the lead up to Carlow Art Festival in 2015, a group of artists came together under the banner of the Pure Thinking community. They set about drawing larger than life portraits of their chosen inspirational Carlow people for display on the exterior panels of Carlow County Post Office. "The Carlow Arts Festival’s committee curated the portraits […]

I always wanted to meet an Alchemist

I always wanted to meet an Alchemist, so imagine my curiosity when I encounter one who's journey has an uncanny resemblance to my own. It was a goose-bump moment during a busy network hour on Twitter, when Trevor Lorkings astutely noted our shared connection with Peru and our desire to help others through holistic work. […]

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