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Reflexology Treatment Plan (1 Adult + 2 Children)


(1st Installment)


This reflexology treatment plan is designed for 1 adult and 2 children being treated in the same home within the same booking time-frame. It is the ideal plan for family's including children with special needs. The plan consists of a consultation followed by 4 reflexology home treatments inclusive of resources and strategies to get the best from your treatment plan.

Parents/guardians will need to complete the consultation form on behalf of their child. For this treatment plan children must be 16 years or under. Treatment time allocated for children is 30 minutes.

This is a payment request for your first installment which is due prior to the consultation and first home treatment.

What happens next:

  • When you complete the payment process you will receive an email confirming your payment.
  • You will receive a second email (within 24 hours) with a link to the consultation forms for you and your children along with a link to the booking calendar.
  • After submitting your completed consultation forms, use the calendar to book a call to have your consultation reviewed (30 minutes). Your home treatment schedule will be arranged during this call.

Payment Terms:

  • Your investment for a treatment plan for 1 adult and 2 children consisting of four home treatments is €950 made up of initial payment of €350 prior to consultations (and first treatment) and 3 payments of €200 each due prior the second and subsequent home treatments.
  • Our full terms and conditions including cancellation terms are here.
  • If you have any remaining questions about this process get in touch.

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