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Dreamtime Ireland

Carlow Arts Festival and VISUAL Carlow have announced Dreamtime Ireland as the title and theme of Artworks 2025; the annual open-call exhibition hosted by VISUAL as part of Carlow Arts Festival Dreamtime Ireland exhibition is part of a wider research project by artist Sean Lynch that brings together overlooked, forgotten, controversial or unrealised artworks, pointing […]

Art of Caroline at Carlow's Cafe Thyme

For art, coffee, sensory gardens & festive lights visit Carlow's Cafe Thyme. Art of Caroline Cunningham exhibiting until February 2023 (Delta Centre).

Ganga Dreaming - The Call Of India

A journey on the holy river to the heart of what matters. Indian Heart Way is that journey in colour, sights & precious memories.

Helpful Arty Gift Guide for Christmas Calm

Maintain calm this Christmas with this helpful arty gift guide. Choose from top picks, price range, recommended order dates to avoid unnecessary stress while giving the gift of original Irish artwork.

Wedding Gifts - Symbolic, Timeless & Elegant

Wedding gift list to help you choose the perfect timeless and elegant gift, one that will provide colour and inspiration throughout the lives of the happy couple and keep your relations with them in high esteem.

Carlow Landscape Paintings

The second smallest county in Ireland enjoys a colourful landscape that is stunning to behold from any view point. I used to think people took these things for granted, too busy to pass remark about the scenery, or choosing to keep these feelings to themselves. It was not until I started to paint these scenes […]

Brighten Your Home With Affordable Miniature Paintings

Colourful miniature paintings to brighten up your home or someones life. Gift ideas from €80 to €200 - Art of Caroline Cunningham, Carlow Artist

Online Shopping Guide to Affordable Stylish Creative Gifts

Here's a handy video guide to show how easy it is to shop on-line for affordable stylish creative gifts from my open edition art prints. Thanks to Fine Art America's print-on-demand & trusted service since 2006, you can purchase a wide variety of arty gifts for your home or lifestyle, from the comfort of your […]

Remembering The Night Our World Went Silent.

The Silence project involves a core group of 45 Irish based creatives who share their reactions and sentiments in response to COVID19 pandemic and the night our world changed suddenly.

Dare to Wear Your Authentic Style | Tote Bags | Nature Theme

Two things I love and appreciate in life, colour and it's ability to lift moods and the healing power of nature, trees in particular. Put these two things together and you have my reason for painting the collectoin I call 'The Sacred Lives of Trees'. "While many of my tree paintings are in homes across […]

Arty Picks for Your Hot Valentine

Make your lover feel extra hot and special this Valentine's Day by selecting from a range of arty gifts on the theme of love. Even if you do not currently have a luscious lover stashed in the wings it's good to celebrate that which permeates us all. Love is all around us and when we open our hearts to that revitalising energy amazing things can happen in our lives.

Art Exhibition: From the Ocean to the Tree

Join me in the Shaw Room of Carlow Library (2019) from October 1st to 11th October for my exhibition 'From the Ocean to the Tree', celebrating nature's influence on our capacity to feel well. "Featuring colourful tree paintings from 'The Sacred Lives of Trees' and 'My Portugal' collections." Art of Caroline PUT IN YOUR CALENDAR: […]

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