Wedding gift list to help you choose the perfect timeless and elegant gift, one that will provide colour and inspiration throughout the lives of the happy couple and keep your relations with them in high esteem.
In the lead up to Carlow Art Festival in 2015, a group of artists came together under the banner of the Pure Thinking community. They set about drawing larger than life portraits of their chosen inspirational Carlow people for display on the exterior panels of Carlow County Post Office.
The project was completed in time for the opening ceremonies of the Carlow Arts Festival. The Festival’s committee curated the portraits for display on the post office building and I’m proud to mine was amongst those selected.
Connie Byrne, founder and creative director of Pure Thinking initiated this project which brought together an eclectic mix of Carlow based artists.
A total of four workshops were facilitated by artist Iwona Nartowska O'Reilly and took place in Deighton Hall. Twenty-nine artists took part in the project, each creating a portrait in up-scaled version (80x80cm) of their chosen inspirational person.
The portraits of the group reflected a vibrant Carlow community with a special-Olympics athlete, an actor, an artist, historical figures, loved one's who passed away and kindred spirit's showing others how to enjoy life to the full.
"The Carlow Arts Festival’s committee curated the portraits for display on the post office building and I’m proud to say my portrait was amongst those selected."
Caroline Cunningham, Artist
The atmosphere in Deighton Hall during the project was industrious and invigorating. I made interesting new friends and some of us even found opportunities to exhibit together during the festival.
Local photographer Michael 'Spudy' Murphy was on hand to document our work and capture us in deep concentration and having fun. The finished portraits were prepared for the panels of the Post Office building.
I chose to portray my neighbour and friend Ed O'Connell who retired from a teaching career in Carlow Regional College (now Carlow SETU) having taught and introduced the course on 'Industrial Instrumentation'. At the time of the post office project Ed was in his early 80's. He was a light-hearted individual who enjoyed life which was enriched by his love of singing, art, playing music, fishing and gardening and the company of his many friends. Ed was very proud to be a part of this art adventure. He loved the arts and he always stole the show when he attended any of my exhibitions. He was a much loved individual and is remembered fondly by all who knew him, may he rest in peace.
Pure Thinking was founded in 2007 by Carlow business owner Connie Byrne.
"I have always been fascinated by people, teams and artistic projects. A successful common goal is only achieved through team work and allowing all talents to shine through. Pure Thinking works on grass roots level to celebrate and create awareness of the different groups of people that live in our community."
Connie Byrne
Founder & Creative Director, Pure Thinking
This project gave me the opportunity to go beyond limits to create my best portrait, up to that point. It was also confidence boosting to be working amongst supportive peers, especially as I had come to art later in my life.
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Through my art and writing I share stories and inspiration for transformation, healing and dreams turning to reality. When you visit my gallery you glimpse my journey, my authentic path. It took a ‘Break True’ moment to point me towards developing my artistic talents. It’s never too late to make a new start. I’ve achieved a lot in a relatively short time. My work has been presented in New York as part of St. Patrick’s Day celebrations, has been displayed on county Post Office and has been show-cased on National TV. Read more about my art journey here.
Wedding gift list to help you choose the perfect timeless and elegant gift, one that will provide colour and inspiration throughout the lives of the happy couple and keep your relations with them in high esteem.
This year I am delighted to have my artwork featured in the window of this long-established department store in time for Carlow Arts Festival starting on June 7th 2017. I'm almost nationwide now too, having exhibited in Carlow, Wexford and Dublin in the last few years (: You will have opportunity to view a sample […]
When all the work was done, I wanted to find out which paintings would be most admired, chosen and cherished. During my exhibition featuring 'The Sacred Lives Of Trees' collection, the paintings that received the most admiration were 'Treedom', 'Evening Tide', 'Loves Light Upon Us' and 'Gaurdians'. Other paintings had more individual admirers, we are […]