Childhood memories have a way of nudging us to return to those special places now enshrined in faded photographs. This was my curiosity for making a trip to Glengarriff in West Cork some years ago. It’s an area steeped in beauty, with a tropical micro-climate favouring trees and plants not commonly found in Ireland. In addition, Glengarriff boasts a thriving oak wood forest park.
I have always loved trees for their comforting presence and benevolence but I was never so taken to photographing them, as when I was weaving my way amongst the palms, bamboos and luscious plants of Glengarriff’s Bamboo Garden.
"This was the moment when I knew I would make tree paintings."
I discovered two little leaves sitting on a stone beneath the tree canopy with the sunlight bursting through. As those little leaves prepared for decay, they appeared glorious in that golden light. I captured that feeling in my heart and saved it for when the time was right to create the full collection of paintings entitled The Sacred Lives of Trees.
Loves Light Upon Us is my signature painting from The Sacred Lives of Trees collection, honouring Nature and trees as a source of wisdom, comfort and inspiration. It’s an acrylic painting and is also available as a limited edition print. In either format, this art piece will make a lovely addition to your home and can serve as a thoughtful gift for a family member or special friend.
Through my art and writing I share stories and inspiration for transformation, healing and dreams turning to reality. When you visit my gallery you glimpse my journey, my authentic path. It took a ‘Break True’ moment to point me towards developing my artistic talents. It’s never too late to make a new start. I’ve achieved a lot in a relatively short time. My work has been presented in New York as part of St. Patrick’s Day celebrations, has been displayed on county Post Office and has been show-cased on National TV. Read more about my art journey here.
When a tree taps you on the shoulder to request a favour, would you pretend not to hear or would you take action? That was the dilemma that tormented me for months before I took the leap of faith to create The Sacred Lives of Trees. Their request was this, to provide the opportunity and […]
Has art inspired you to travel? Where would you recommend others to visit to see the best visual art displays? The following art travel inspiration informed my creative education (during adulthood) as I sought to discover my 'Authentic Path' When in Italy, a visit to the Sistine Chapel is a must. Michael Angelo might have […]